If you are new to arepa making or would like a list of quick steps, this is for you. Follow these steps to begin eating arepas in less than 15 minutes. Sizzle slizzle ooze ooze.
How To Make Arepas:
To make arepas you will need: 2 Cups Harina P.A.N, 2 1/2 cups warm milk, 2 hand fulls mozzarella cheese, salt.
- Gather Your ingredients. (
- Add warm milk to the corn meal and 4 pinches of salt.
- Toss in your cheese.
- Form into a ball.
- Break off a chunk about the size of a meatball.
- Flatten and form a bowl.
- Fill with cheese.
- Fold over and seal like the shape of an empanada.
- Flatten and round into a ball.
- Cook until cheese starts to escape.
Thats it! Simple to make, hard to perfect, thats why if you need further assistance, you should check out how to be an Arepa Master. To learn how to master the arepa – click here.
February 11, 2015
Love it.
February 11, 2015
Thank you Lauren!
July 19, 2022
Temperature 290 is degrees C or F?