Your new gluten free recipe to go crazy over
Are you always on the lookout for a new gluten free recipe to try? Arepas are your answer! These sandwich-like corn patties, sweet or savory are the newest addition to your breakfast, lunch or dinner menu. They make a great sandwich substitute, and fill you right up. You might be asking, are arepas gluten free? Yes they are!
What are Arepas, are Arepas Gluten Free?
Arepas are a staple dish in Colombian and Venezuelan culture. They are made with a few basic ingredients and a special corn meal/flour called Harina P.A.N. Arepas can be sliced to create a pocket to hold delicious fillings, or eaten as is for breakfast – and best of all, arepas are gluten free.
Traditionally in Colombian culture, arepas are an importnat pa
Want to make Arepas today?
Looking to become an arepa master? Get the right ingredients and tools. The items below will help you get started.
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