1. As a sandwich: Instead of splitting open an arepa and filling it with ingredients, you can use two arepas as the bread for a sandwich. Simply fill the arepas with your choice of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments to create a unique and delicious sandwich.
  2. As a topping for soup: Arepas make a tasty and unique topping for soups and stews. Simply crumble up an arepa and sprinkle it over the top of your soup for added texture and flavor.
  3. As a breakfast dish: Arepas can be a delicious and filling way to start your day. Try topping an arepa with scrambled eggs, bacon, and avocado for a tasty breakfast treat.
  4. As a dessert: Arepas can be sweet as well as savory. Try topping an arepa with dulce de leche, Nutella, or fruit to create a tasty and satisfying dessert.
  5. As a pizza crust: Arepas make a great alternative to traditional pizza crusts. Simply top an arepa with your favorite pizza toppings and bake until the cheese is melted and bubbly for a unique and delicious pizza.
  6. As a salad bowl: Instead of using a traditional salad bowl, use an arepa as the base for your salad. Simply fill the arepa with your choice of greens, vegetables, and dressing for a tasty and portable salad.
  7. As a appetizer: Arepas can be served as appetizers at parties and gatherings. Try making small, bite-sized arepas and filling them with a variety of savory ingredients such as cheeses, meats, and vegetables.
  8. As a dipping sauce: Arepas can be used as a dipping sauce for a variety of dishes. Simply mash up an arepa and mix it with your favorite sauce, such as salsa or guacamole, to create a unique and flavorful dipping sauce.
  9. As a topping for grilled meats: Arepas make a great topping for grilled meats such as chicken, steak, or pork. Simply crumble up an arepa and sprinkle it over the top of the cooked meat for added texture and flavor.
  10. As a stuffing for peppers: Arepas can be used to stuff bell peppers or other vegetables for a tasty and satisfying meal. Simply mix cooked arepas with your choice of fillings, such as ground meat and cheese, and use it to stuff the peppers before baking.
  11. As a topping for nachos: Arepas can be used as a tasty and unique topping for nachos. Simply crumble up an arepa and sprinkle it over the top of your nachos, along with cheese and other toppings, before baking.
  12. As a topping for ice cream: Arepas can be used to add a unique and delicious twist to your favorite ice cream. Try topping your ice cream with crumbled arepas and a drizzle of dulce de leche for a tasty dessert.
  13. As a side dish: Arepas can be served as a side dish to a variety of main courses. Try topping an arepa with sautéed vegetables, cheese, and herbs for a flavorful and satisfying side dish.
  14. As a snack: Arepas can be enjoyed as a snack on their own, without any fillings. Simply cook an arepa until it is crispy and golden brown, and enjoy it as is, or with your favorite dipping sauce.
  15. As a topping for oatmeal: Arepas can be used to add a unique and delicious twist to your morning oatmeal. Try topping your oatmeal with crumbled arepas, fruit, and a drizzle of honey for a tasty and satisfying breakfast.