What is Christmas in Colombia like?

Christmas in Colombia is a magical time, filled with traditions and celebrations that are unique to this vibrant and diverse country. As a foreigner visiting Colombia during the holiday season, you will have the opportunity to experience the warmth, joy, and spirit of Christmas like never before. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the top 10 Christmas traditions that you must try when visiting Colombia.

1. Nativity Scenes (Nacimientos)

Nativity scenes, or nacimientos, are an integral part of Christmas in Colombia. These beautifully crafted scenes depict the birth of Jesus and are displayed in homes, churches, and public spaces throughout the country. Many families have their own unique nacimiento, passed down through generations, and take great pride in setting it up and decorating it with colorful lights and figurines.

2. Novenas

Novenas are a series of prayers and devotions that are recited for nine consecutive nights leading up to Christmas Eve. It is a time for families and friends to come together, share traditional Colombian snacks and drinks, and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Each night, a different family member or friend leads the novena, and it is a cherished tradition that brings people closer together.

3. Aguinaldos

Aguinaldos are small gifts given to children during the Christmas season. These gifts can range from toys and sweets to practical items like school supplies. In Colombia, aguinaldos are traditionally given on Christmas Eve and symbolize the love and generosity of the season. If you are visiting Colombia during Christmas, it is common to see street vendors selling aguinaldos, making it the perfect time to pick up a unique gift for a loved one.

4. Fireworks and Lanterns

Christmas in Colombia is a time of celebration, and what better way to celebrate than with fireworks and lanterns? On Christmas Eve, Colombians light up the sky with colorful fireworks, and children release lanterns into the night sky, symbolizing hope and new beginnings. It is a beautiful sight to behold and a tradition that brings the community together.

5. Christmas Markets (Ferias Navideñas)

Christmas markets, or ferias navideñas, are a must-visit during the holiday season in Colombia. These markets are filled with traditional Colombian food, drinks, and crafts, making it the perfect place to do some Christmas shopping. You can also find unique decorations and gifts to add to your own nacimiento or aguinaldo collection.

6. Hallacas

Hallacas are a traditional Christmas dish in Colombia, similar to tamales. They are made with a corn-based dough and filled with a mixture of meat, vegetables, and spices. Hallacas are typically prepared in large batches and shared with family and friends during the holiday season, making it a delicious and essential part of Christmas in Colombia.

7. Christmas Lights (Alumbrados)

Colombia is known for its spectacular Christmas lights, or alumbrados, that adorn the cities and towns during the holiday season. These lights are a symbol of joy and hope and attract thousands of visitors every year. The most famous alumbrados can be found in Medellin, where the entire city is transformed into a magical light display.

8. White Dinner (Cena Blanca)

On Christmas Eve, many Colombians partake in a Cena Blanca, or a white dinner. This is a fancy dinner party where everyone wears white, and the table is decorated with white linens and candles. This tradition is said to symbolize peace and purity and is a beautiful way to celebrate Christmas with loved ones.

9. Christmas Mass (Misa de Gallo)

Attending a Misa de Gallo, or midnight mass, is a significant part of Christmas in Colombia. It is a solemn and spiritual celebration that marks the birth of Jesus. The mass is followed by a traditional Colombian breakfast, and it is a beautiful way to start Christmas Day.

10. Christmas Day (Dia de Navidad)

Christmas Day in Colombia is a time for families to come together, exchange gifts, and enjoy a traditional Christmas lunch. This meal typically includes hallacas, roast pork, tamales, and other delicious Colombian dishes. Families also spend time playing games, singing Christmas carols, and enjoying each other’s company.

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