What is a Colombian Passport?

A Colombian passport is an official document issued by the Colombian government that allows its citizens to travel internationally. It serves as proof of identity and nationality, and is required for entry into most countries around the world. If you are a foreigner living in Colombia, you may be wondering how you can obtain a Colombian passport. In this blog post, we will explore the process and requirements for getting a Colombian passport.

Who is Eligible for a Colombian Passport?

In order to be eligible for a Colombian passport, you must be a citizen of Colombia. This means that you were either born in Colombia, have at least one parent who is a Colombian citizen, or have gone through the process of naturalization and have been granted Colombian citizenship. If you are a foreigner living in Colombia, you must have permanent resident status in order to apply for a Colombian passport.

What Documents Do I Need to Apply for a Colombian Passport?

In order to apply for a Colombian passport, you will need to gather the following documents:

  • Original and photocopy of your Colombian national ID card (cédula de ciudadanía)
  • Original and photocopy of your birth certificate, issued by a Colombian civil registry office (registro civil)
  • Original and photocopy of your parents’ Colombian national ID cards (if applicable)
  • Proof of payment of the passport fee (currently 180,000 Colombian pesos, or approximately $50 USD)

How Do I Apply for a Colombian Passport?

Once you have gathered all the necessary documents, you can apply for a Colombian passport at any Colombian consulate or at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bogotá. If you are applying at a consulate, you will need to make an appointment in advance. If you are applying at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you will need to schedule an appointment online and bring your documents in person.

The process of getting a Colombian passport typically takes around 10 business days. If you are applying at a consulate, you will need to pick up your passport in person. If you are applying at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you can choose to have your passport delivered to your home or pick it up in person.

What if I am Unable to Apply in Person?

If you are unable to apply for a Colombian passport in person, you can still obtain one by submitting your application through a proxy. This can be a family member or friend who is a Colombian citizen and is willing to apply on your behalf. They will need to provide a signed authorization letter, along with their own original and photocopy of their national ID card.

What Should I Do if I Lose My Colombian Passport?

If you lose your Colombian passport, you will need to report it immediately to the nearest Colombian consulate or to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bogotá. You will then need to follow the same process as if you were applying for a new passport, including providing all the necessary documents and paying the fee.

Other Ways People Have Asked This Question:

  • Can I apply for a Colombian passport online?
  • How long does it take to get a Colombian passport?
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