Welcome to our quiz on “One Hundred Years of Solitude” by Gabriel García Márquez! This classic novel follows the Buendía family and their town of Macondo over the course of several generations, and it is known for its evocative and powerful storytelling. If you have read the novel, test your knowledge with our quiz and see how well you remember the characters, events, and themes of the book. If you haven’t read the novel yet, this quiz is a great way to learn more about it and see if it might be a book that you would enjoy. So, let’s get started and see how much you know about “One Hundred Years of Solitude”

Quiz Questions for 100 Years of Solitude

  1. What is the name of the fictional Colombian town where the novel is set?
  2. What is the name of the family that the novel follows over the course of several generations?
  3. What is the name of the writing technique that combines elements of magic and the supernatural with realistic storytelling?
  4. What is the disease that causes severe diarrhea and dehydration, which can be deadly if left untreated?
  5. Who is the founder of Macondo and the head of the Buendía family?
  6. Who is the son of Colonel Aureliano Buendía and is known for his intelligence and determination?
  7. Who is the sophisticated and elegant character?
  8. Who is the strong and determined character who is known for her resilience and perseverance?
  9. What is the feeling of hopelessness or helplessness?
  10. What is the state of being alone in death?
  11. What is the name of the beautiful and innocent young girl who is very important to the story?
  12. What is the character known for his paranoia and isolation as he becomes more powerful?
  13. What is the danger of power that the book discusses?
  14. What are the characters in the book forced to deal with over the course of the novel?
  15. What is the main theme of the book that talks about the power of stories and how they are used to make sense of life and the world?
  16. What is the theme of the book that discusses the idea that history repeats itself?
  17. What is the theme of the book that emphasizes the importance of family and the close relationships between family members?
  18. What is the magical or supernatural event that occurs in the book?
  19. What is the writing technique that is used in the book to make the story more interesting and mysterious?
  20. What is the theme of the book that discusses the dangers of power and how it can corrupt and destroy?
  21. What is the theme of the book that explores the sadness and devastation of war?
  22. What is the theme of the book that examines the enduring power of love?
  23. What is the theme of the book that looks at the theme of aging and mortality?
  24. What is the theme of the book that delves into the role of fate in our lives?
  25. What is the theme of the book that examines the human desire for escape and the search for meaning in life?


  1. Macondo
  2. Buendía
  3. Magic realism
  4. Cholera
  5. José Arcadio Buendía
  6. Aureliano
  7. Fernanda
  8. Ursula
  9. Despair
  10. Solitude of death
  11. Remedios
  12. Colonel Aureliano Buendía
  13. The dangers of power
  14. Wars and other tough times
  15. The power of stories
  16. The idea that history repeats itself
  17. The importance of family
  18. Magic and supernatural events
  19. Magic realism
  20. The dangers of power and how it can corrupt and destroy
  21. The sadness and devastation of war
  22. The enduring power of love
  23. The theme of aging and mortality
  24. The role of fate in our lives
  25. The human desire for escape and the search for meaning in life

Other ways people asked this question:

  • Test Your Knowledge of ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’
  • Quiz: How Much Do You Know About ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’?
  • Exam: What Do You Remember from ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’?