

How to Host a Novena in Colombia in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide
11 months ago

How to Host a Novena in Colombia in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

What is a Novena?

A novena is a traditional Catholic devotion that involves praying for nine consecutive days in honor of a specific saint, event, or intention. It is a …
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What are the Traditional Foods Eaten During Christmas in Colombia?
11 months ago

What are the Traditional Foods Eaten During Christmas in Colombia?

Christmas is a time of celebration and feasting all around the world, and Colombia is no exception. As a foreigner in Colombia, you may be curious about the traditional foods …
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Top 10 Ways to Celebrate a Birthday in Bogotá, Colombia
11 months ago

Top 10 Ways to Celebrate a Birthday in Bogotá, Colombia

What makes celebrating a birthday in Bogotá, Colombia unique?

In Colombia, birthdays are celebrated with great enthusiasm and are considered a significant milestone. Whether you are a local or a …
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Top 10 Ways to Celebrate a 1 Year Old’s Birthday in Bogotá, Colombia
11 months ago

Top 10 Ways to Celebrate a 1 Year Old’s Birthday in Bogotá, Colombia

1. What are some traditional Colombian birthday customs?

  • Colombians often celebrate birthdays with large, festive gatherings surrounded by family and friends.
  • The birthday person is usually the center of …
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