

Pico y Placa: Everything you need to know while driving in Colombia
9 months ago

Pico y Placa: Everything you need to know while driving in Colombia

What is Pico y Placa?

Pico y Placa, which translates to “Rush hour and license plate”, is a traffic restriction policy implemented in several cities in Colombia, including Bogotá, Cali, …
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What are the Consequences of Violating Pico y Placa in Colombia?
9 months ago

What are the Consequences of Violating Pico y Placa in Colombia?

What is Pico y Placa?

Pico y Placa, which translates to “peak and plate” in English, is a traffic restriction policy implemented in major cities in Colombia. It aims to …
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Can I Use My Foreign Driver’s License in Bogotá?
11 months ago

Can I Use My Foreign Driver’s License in Bogotá?

Understanding Colombia’s Driving Laws

Before diving into whether or not you can use your foreign driver’s license in Bogotá, it’s important to understand Colombia’s driving laws. As a foreigner, it’s …
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