

Colombia and the World Cup: Everything You Need to Know

Colombia and the World Cup

Colombia is a soccer-loving country with a rich history in the World Cup. From their national team to the venues where the matches take place, …
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San Francisco Church in Bogota, Colombia
2 years ago

San Francisco Church in Bogota, Colombia

San Francisco Church in Bogota Colombia

San Francisco Church, also known as the Basílica de San Francisco, is a historic church located in the heart of Bogota, Colombia. The church …
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The International Emerald Foundation Museum (Museo de Esmeralda)

The International Emerald Foundation Museum

The International Emerald Foundation Museum, also known as the “Museo de Esmeralda” in Spanish, is a museum located in Bogotá, Colombia that is dedicated to …
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A Brief History of The Arepa
2 years ago

A Brief History of The Arepa

Arepas are a traditional food from many Latin American countries, including Colombia, Venezuela, and Panama. They are made from cornmeal and typically served with a variety of fillings. But where …
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