Why Should You Consider Teaching English in Colombia?

  • Colombia is a vibrant and diverse country with a rich history and culture.
  • The demand for English teachers is high, making it a great opportunity for expats.
  • The cost of living is relatively low, making it more affordable to live and work in Colombia.
  • The Colombian people are warm, welcoming, and eager to learn English.

What Qualifications Do You Need to Teach English in Colombia?

  • A bachelor’s degree in any field is required to obtain a work visa.
  • A TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification is preferred by most schools.
  • Previous teaching experience is not always necessary, but it can give you an advantage in the job market.
  • Basic knowledge of Spanish is helpful, but not always required.

What is the Job Market Like for English Teachers in Colombia?

  • The demand for English teachers is high, especially in major cities like Bogotá, Medellín, and Cartagena.
  • There are opportunities to teach in public schools, private language institutes, and even online.
  • The pay for English teachers in Colombia is generally lower than in other countries, but the cost of living is also lower.
  • Many schools offer benefits such as health insurance and paid vacation time.

What is the Work Visa Process Like for Expats Teaching English in Colombia?

  • Once you have a job offer, your employer will assist you in obtaining a work visa.
  • You will need to provide a criminal background check and a copy of your diploma and TEFL certification.
  • The work visa process can take several months, so it’s important to plan ahead.
  • Once your work visa is approved, you can legally work in Colombia for up to two years.

What is it Like to Live in Colombia as an English Teacher?

  • Colombia has a diverse climate, ranging from tropical beaches to mountainous cities.
  • The cost of living is lower than in many other countries, so you can live comfortably on a teacher’s salary.
  • The Colombian people are welcoming and friendly, making it easy to adapt to the culture and lifestyle.
  • There are many opportunities to explore the country and immerse yourself in the local culture.

Other Ways People Asked This Question

  • Is a TEFL certification necessary to teach English in Colombia?
  • What is the cost of living like in Colombia?
  • Are there opportunities to teach English in smaller cities or rural areas?
  • Can I teach English in Colombia without a degree?