Why Colombia?

Before we dive into the details, let’s first talk about why you’re considering moving to Colombia. This South American country has gained popularity in recent years as a top destination for expats, thanks to its affordable cost of living, beautiful landscapes, and rich culture. Whether you’re looking for a change of scenery, a slower pace of life, or new opportunities, Colombia has something for everyone.

What are the visa requirements?

The first thing you need to consider when moving to Colombia is your visa. As a foreigner, you will need a visa to enter and live in the country. The type of visa you need will depend on your reason for moving to Colombia, such as work, study, or retirement. It’s important to research the specific requirements for your visa and start the application process as early as possible.

What is the cost of living?

As mentioned before, one of the main reasons expats are drawn to Colombia is its affordable cost of living. However, the cost of living can vary greatly depending on the city or region you choose to live in. The capital city of Bogotá, for example, has a higher cost of living than smaller cities. It’s important to do your research and create a budget to ensure you can comfortably afford your new lifestyle in Colombia.

Where should I live?

Colombia is a diverse country with a variety of cities and regions to choose from. Each one offers a unique experience, so it’s important to consider your lifestyle and priorities when deciding where to live. Some popular expat destinations include Medellín, Cartagena, and Cali. It’s also recommended to visit potential areas before making a decision to get a feel for the culture and daily life.

What is the healthcare system like?

Another important consideration when moving to a new country is the healthcare system. Colombia has a public healthcare system that provides free or low-cost care to its citizens. However, many expats choose to purchase private health insurance for more comprehensive coverage. It’s important to research the healthcare options in your chosen city and make sure you have the necessary coverage for your needs.

Is it safe?

Safety is often a top concern for those considering a move to Colombia, as the country has a history of violence and drug trafficking. However, in recent years, the government has made significant efforts to improve safety and security, and crime rates have decreased. As with any country, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions, but overall, Colombia is generally considered safe for expats.

What is the culture like?

Colombia is known for its warm and friendly culture, and expats often find it easy to integrate into the local community. However, there are some cultural differences to be aware of, such as a more relaxed approach to time and a strong emphasis on family and community. Learning about and respecting the local customs and traditions can help you adjust to your new home more easily.

What about taxes?

As a UK citizen, you will still be required to pay taxes in your home country while living in Colombia. However, there may be tax benefits for expats, such as the ability to exclude foreign earned income from your UK tax return. It’s important to consult with a tax professional to understand your tax obligations in both countries and take advantage of any potential benefits.

What should I bring with me?

One of the biggest challenges when moving to a new country is deciding what to bring with you and what to leave behind. Colombia has a variety of climates, so it’s important to pack accordingly. Additionally, some items may be more expensive or difficult to find in Colombia, so it’s a good idea to stock up on any necessary items before your move.

Other ways people asked this question:

  • What are the best cities to live in Colombia as an expat?
  • How does the healthcare system in Colombia work for expats?
  • Are there any special tax considerations for UK citizens living in Colombia?
  • What are some cultural differences to be aware of when living in Colombia?