

Arepas De Queso
10 years ago

Arepas De Queso

Arepas are one of the most simple, yet delicious culinary takeaways brought back from my experiences in Colombia. You can find arepas all around the country and its South American neighbors. In restaurants, on the street, for a late night snack, or even in the Disney movie Encanto. Learn how to make arepas de queso for your next craving or activity with the kids! Read More

Colombian Hot Chocolate – Chocolate Caliente
10 years ago

Colombian Hot Chocolate – Chocolate Caliente

Colombian Hot Chocolate – where to begin? This tasty beverage is often had for breakfast or an evening snack, alone or accompanied with a hot arepa. After being immersed in the Colombian culture for some time now, I have realized that Arepas and Chocolate go very well together. It is a staple in many house holds.
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Arepas de Choclo – Cachapas
10 years ago

Arepas de Choclo – Cachapas

Arepas de Choclo, also known as Cachapas are the other side of the arepa. It is a sweet corn meal, used to give a different alternative to typical arepa. Arepas …
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